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Botanical name: Agastache foeniculum. This herb is a member of the mint family with a distinct anise flavor and aroma. This herb can be enjoyed in salad dressings, herbal tea blends, and potpourri.

The leaves can be used as a seasoning in salad dressings or on top of fruit. It is also delicious infused in herbal tea blends and adds an enchanting scent to potpourri mixes. Some claim that the herb has a calming and grounding spirit. The dried leaf and flower can be infused as a warm brew or served as a refreshing iced tea. Anise hyssop can be added to baths, used in skin care recipes, infused into syrups and cordials or incorporated into incense blends for an uplifting fragrance.

Precautions: No known precautions.

Anise Hyssop, Organic - Per Oz (Sourced locally)

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