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Kids Herbal Workshop Series

Mother and daughter selecting herbs for herbal workshop.

This monthly series is perfect for kids who love to explore, create, and learn. Each month, we'll dive into a different healing herb, and kids will get hands-on experience with foraging, growing and making their own herbal goodies such as first aid kits, teas, glycerites, infused honeys, and more!


Sign up for multiple different classes in the series and receive a discount!


Healthy School Year:
Make an Herbal First Aid Kit

First aid box filled with herbs

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Ratteree


Hey, kids! Bring your favorite adult with you as we kick off our very first Kids Herbal Workshop! In this fun, hands-on class we will be making our very own first aid kits to handle life’s spills and stresses. Class cost covers first aid kit materials and supplemental fact cards.


Date: September 18, 6 - 8 pm


Cost: $45.00 (per student


Spooky Herbal Treats

Spooky Herbal Treats class at Sweet Willow

Photo credit:

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Ratteree


In this class we will break out those cauldrons and brew up some delicious (and healthy!) herbal Halloween treats! Kids will make “Doom balls,” (Zoom Balls with a spooky twist), herbal lollipops, and herbal chocolate smores, with marshmallows made with real marshmallow root! Perfect accompaniments for family pumpkin carving time,trick or treating, or a fall bonfire. Happy Samhain (Halloween)!


Date: Wednesday, October 23, 6-8pm


Cost: $45.00 (per student)


Sweetness and Light:
Making Holiday Gifts with Honey and Beeswax

Honey for making gifts with honey class

Photo credit:

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Ratteree


The holidays are just around the corner – in this class kids will make some sweet homemade gifts to show their loved ones how much they care about them! Discover the many healing uses of beeswax and local honey while making simple candles and herbal honey infusions to create beautiful, memorable, and nourishing gifts. The hardest part is not to eat them before giving them away!


Date: Wednesday, November 13, 6-8 pm


Cost: $45.00 (per student)


Spice and Everything Nice: Holiday Cookies Workshop

Holiday Cookies Workshop

Photo credit:

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Ratteree


Using traditional, warming winter herbs like clove, fennel, and cinnamon, kids will craft some cookie treats that also help boost the immune system and improve digestion and circulation – all good things for the coldest, darkest time of the year.


Date: Wednesday, December 11, 6-8pm 


Cost: $45.00 (per student)


Herbal Sock Baths and other Kids
DIY Bath and Body Products

Herbal sock bath

Photo credit:

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Ratteree


Kids will make their own body products in this fun and easy workshop. Make bath time extra special with an herbal sock bath! Kids will love choosing their own combinations of herbs to make their own sock bath. And for those kids who resist bath time, perhaps this craft will help coax them into the tub!  Kids will also learn to make their own salves. Kids will also learn about different bath salts and how they can help relieve sore muscles and relax overactive minds and bodies. Makes great gifts too! Our skin is highly absorbent; these topical herbal applications provide a wonderful chance for nourishing the skin and body with the healing properties of herbs.


Note to participants: Please bring a clean sock (or two) of your choosing!


Date: Wednesday, January 8, 6-8 pm


Cost: $45.00 (per student)


Supportive Herbs for a Healthy Moon Cycle

Supportive herbs for a healthy moon cycle.

Photo credit:

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Ratteree


This class is specially created for young women who are about to begin or who have recently begun their menstrual cycles. We will learn about supportive herbs to balance a healthy menstrual cycle and we will make herbal recipes to alleviate the more common discomforts such as cramps and bloating. We will learn about traditional herbs that have been used for ages for their hormone-balancing and pain-soothing properties.


Date: Wednesday, February 19, 6-8pm 


Cost: $45.00 (per student)


The Sweetness of Bitters: Getting Kids
To Take Herbal Bitters

Child taking Herbal bitters

Photo credit:

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Ratteree


Mary Poppins said, "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down." But sometimes we need that bitter flavor to get the job done. When the taste buds in our tongues detect the bitter flavors of herbs like dandelion root, burdock, yellow dock, bitter orange, elecampane and chamomile, signals are sent via the nervous system to the brain and then to the gut that trigger digestion. Bitters also serve up a good dose of prebiotics and help maintain healthy bowel function. But convincing kids to take them? Challenging, to say the least. The solution? Mask the bitter taste with a tastier bitter such as dark chocolate!


In this class we will meet some amazing bitter herbs that help alleviate constipation (a very common issue in children), stimulate appetite, calm nervous tummies, and wake up sluggish digestion after long, cold winter. We will explore simple, tasty, effective ways to get our bitters -we will make an oxymel (a kind of honey / vinegar syrup), an electuary (an herbal honey paste), and a delicious herbal hot cocoa!


Date: Wednesday, March 5, 6 -8 pm​


Cost: $45.00 (per student)


Herbs to Support Healthy Nursing

Herbs for healthy nursing

Photo credit:

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Ratteree


Nursing can be a wonderful bonding experience. Offering your baby the best nourishment available while snuggling close together is truly amazing. However, sometimes a little outside help and encouragement is needed.  Sore nipples, colicky discomfort, and worries that your baby isn’t getting enough nutrition can be very discouraging. Thankfully, there are some wonderful herbs that support nursing and are also safe for babies.


In this class we will explore nourishing herbs that provide nutrition to help make a rich supply of breast milk while providing essential nutrition. We will also explore relaxing nervine herbs, as well as a few of the herbs that offer the benefit of astringency—helping to tighten up tissues such as the uterus following birth. We will make recipes to take home that provide comfort and support for you and your baby.


Date: Wednesday, April 9, 6-8pm 


Cost: $45.00 (per student)


Please Eat the Dandelions:  Weeds You Can Eat

Weeds you can eat

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Ratteree


Purslane, garlic mustard, lambs quarters, chickweed, stinging nettle, mullein, dandelion, wild amaranth, plantain… Though they can ruthlessly invade flower beds and vegetable gardens, what we call “weeds” are wonderful in other ways. Packed with nutrition and flavor, these amazing and resilient plants are full of surprises.


Instead of burning or spraying your abundance of these plants, repurpose them into dandelion tea, amaranth seed polenta, chickweed pesto, or nettle lasagna. In this class we will learn the health benefits of these plants and make delicious and healing recipes with them. You'll never look at weeds in the same way!


​Date: Wednesday, May 14, 6 -8 pm​


Cost: $45.00 (per student)


Final Class: June Plant Walk!

June plant walk

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Ratteree


Kathleen’s house/woods in Denmark, WI

Information coming soon!


Date: TBD

Cost: $45.00 (per student)


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